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School Notices
Looking for School
If you want to join a school, post a message in here and perhaps a Master will find you worthy enough to teach you their style.
Forum moderator: AdminChrom
1 0 Sunday, 2011-02-13, 7:32 AM
Thread: Post your request here !!
Posted by: cozer
Are you a Master looking for an apprentice or 20? Invite them to your school here!
Forum moderator: AdminChrom
1 0 Sunday, 2011-02-13, 7:34 AM
Thread: For School Founder !!
Posted by: cozer
Make school announcements here! Are you asking for donations for membership? Are you going to war with an opposing school? Post it here!
Forum moderator: AdminChrom
1 0 Saturday, 2011-05-28, 9:03 PM
Thread: How about this?
Posted by: AdminChrom2789