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Forum moderator: AdminSpirit  
Ultimate Leveling Guide
AdminChromDate: Wednesday, 2011-02-16, 12:45 PM | Message # 1
Forbiden GOLD Member
Group: Administrators
Messages: 72
Reputation: 317
Status: Offline

This is the guide on how to level up quickly!

Sulin Garden

lvl 1 - 4 White Cloud Spirits

lvl 5 - 10 Blue Cloud Spirits

lvl 11 - 15 Theives

Pic here->

next is :

Stone Forest

lvl 16 - 20 Iron Lizard Birds

lvl 21 - 23 Highway Men

Pic here->

next is:

Shi Fang Maze

lvl 24 - 26 Chromatic Spider

Pic here ->

next is :

Xitang Rainforest

lvl 27 - 31 Feirui Buds

lvl 32 - 38 (any) corpses

Pic here ->

next is :

Chaozhi Sewer

lvl 39 - 43 Claw Bianfu's

lvl 44 - 47 Mud Spirits

Pic here ->

next is :

Luili Pool

lvl 48 - 52 ShuangShi

lvl 53 - 55 Sun Glimmer

lvl 56 - 59 Moon Glimmer

Pic here->

next is :


lvl 60 - 62 Goat Priests

lvl 63 - 65 Savage Trees

Pic here ->

next is :

Forbidden Palace

lvl 66 - 70 Sand Stalkers

Pic here ->

That should be enough to get to lvl 70 easily!
Have Fun!

Message edited by AdminChrom - Wednesday, 2011-02-16, 1:34 PM
WindDrifftDate: Wednesday, 2011-02-16, 4:28 PM | Message # 2
Group: Users
Messages: 15
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Very nice guide this will help a lot to the beginners ^^
AdminChromDate: Wednesday, 2011-02-16, 7:29 PM | Message # 3
Forbiden GOLD Member
Group: Administrators
Messages: 72
Reputation: 317
Status: Offline
thx a lot Wind that's the point man smile

ChristofferDate: Saturday, 2011-02-19, 9:24 AM | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 13
Reputation: 8
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Nice I might post the one's for 70+
h3ll0n3arthDate: Tuesday, 2011-02-22, 6:37 AM | Message # 5
Event Manager
Group: Moderators
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That would be nice too Christoffer. The more the better! wink

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today!
overaweDate: Monday, 2011-03-07, 1:51 AM | Message # 6
Group: Users
Messages: 10
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Status: Offline
i grind in alittle different way but that 1 is pretty cool too good job smile
FWOkfOwnerHanzoDate: Thursday, 2011-03-10, 1:42 AM | Message # 7
Group: Administrators
Messages: 816
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Good Job Bro >:P
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