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General Discussion
Announcements from the Forbiden World of Kung Fu Team
Forum moderator: AdminSpirit
7 29 Thursday, 2011-04-21, 2:44 PM
Thread: Upgrade to level 140
Posted by: AdminChrom2789
World of Kung Fu
General topic discussion about the game!
Forum moderator: AdminSpirit
6 25 Thursday, 2011-03-17, 9:17 AM
Thread: Welcome to all new comers to...
Posted by: h3ll0n3arth
Information about Events in the Forbiden World of Kung Fu can be found here!
2 19 Thursday, 2011-03-10, 1:40 AM
Thread: A questionnaire survey about...
Posted by: FWOkfOwnerHanzo
PvP Discussion
Talk about the Player vs. Player system here.
1 11 Monday, 2011-03-07, 1:40 AM
Thread: Why do u hate pking/pkers
Posted by: overawe
Quest Discussion
Quest Discussion Ask questions and give answers about quests in the WoKF.
Forum moderator: AdminSpirit
1 3 Saturday, 2011-02-19, 9:31 AM
Thread: Thursday Weekly Event - Brai...
Posted by: Christoffer
Country Discussion
Want to talk about the country system and the battles within? Are you the King and want to recruit for your army? Do it here
Forum moderator: AdminSpirit
1 8 Thursday, 2011-03-17, 9:18 AM
Thread: Country System
Posted by: h3ll0n3arth
Tips & Tricks
Did you write a guide? Do you have some tips on good attack combos? Post them here!
Forum moderator: AdminSpirit
3 9 Thursday, 2011-03-10, 1:42 AM
Thread: Ultimate Leveling Guide
Posted by: FWOkfOwnerHanzo
Video & ScreenShots Contest
Have some great SS's and Vids? to show off in the game? Make a post here to let everyone know about it!
Forum moderator: AdminSpirit
2 7 Thursday, 2011-03-10, 1:38 AM
Thread: Animated Banner Contest
Posted by: FWOkfOwnerHanzo
Introductions & Goodbye
New to the game? Leaving us? Let everybody know here.
3 12 Monday, 2011-02-28, 7:53 AM
Thread: Introduction - Messiah
Posted by: h3ll0n3arth
Suggestions & Feedback
Got any ideas on how we can improve the site, forums or game? Let us know!
Forum moderator: AdminChrom
2 8 Monday, 2011-02-28, 3:33 PM
Thread: Website's Language
Posted by: h3ll0n3arth